The TCS London Marathon and the Vitality London 10,000 have been named the UK’s favourite marathon and favourite 10K in the 2023 Women’s Running Reader Choice Awards. The awards were voted for by readers of Women’s Running magazine.
The TCS London Marathon was the biggest in the event’s 43-year history, with 48,599 runners finishing in front of Buckingham Palace in April.
Labelled “a marathon like no other” by Event Director Hugh Brasher, runners defied the rain on a day where records tumbled in the elite races and 45 new Guinness World Record titles were set.
The 2024 event promises to be equally as memorable with more than 575,000 people in the ballot, which is a world-record number of applicants.
Around 15,000 people took on the iconic Vitality London 10,000 in September, its first time in a new autumn slot, running for their mental health and wellbeing.
Participants took in the sights of St Paul’s Cathedral, the Bank of England, Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey, before finishing in front of Buckingham Palace.
Readers of Women’s Running were able to join a dedicated Women’s Running Wave, which was started by Holly Taylor and Esther Newman, hosts of the celebrated Women’s Running podcast.
Hugh Brasher, Event Director of London Marathon Events, said: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to the readers of Women’s Running for these awards to the TCS London Marathon and the Vitality London 10,000. We always strive to provide every participant with the best possible experience at our events and it means so much to our team that these awards were voted for by readers. We look forward to welcoming readers of Women’s Running to our events next year!”
Esther Newman, Editor of Women’s Running, said: “These awards are richly deserved. We're not surprised that the legendary TCS London Marathon has been voted Best Marathon in our Reader Awards: it's a truly epic race, and one which is just as wonderful to be a spectator at as it is to run. Is it the greatest marathon in the world? We like to think so!The Women's Running Pod Squad took on the Vitality London 10,000 in 2023 and we loved every step. The course was stunning – all of London's best bits in one tidy 10K route – and the atmosphere and organisation in Green Park was inclusive and happy. The Pod Squadders were delighted to meet up in person – we witnessed lots of joy, lots of (happy) tears, and many, many hugs. It was a joy!”